Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.

Armed Forces Day takes place on the last Saturday each June (25th June). Armed Forces Day celebrations begin on Monday 20 June when the Armed Forces Day flag is raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country.
Showing support for the Armed Forces provides a much valued morale boost for the troops and their families. You can find out more about what they are doing at home and around the world by visiting the official sites of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.
The following people are celebrated during Armed Forces Day.
- The Armed Forces
- Veterans
- Reservists
- Cadets
- Families
- Charities

Gary sat in a Tornado
Gary works on our PRO assembly line as a Fitter / Maintenance Support. Here is his story....
''I joined the Raf in 1983 as I was passionate about aircraft and wanted a career that would give me a trade which allowed me to work with my hands. I trained as an engineer and worked on various aircraft. During my time in the service I was deployed to Northern Ireland and Gulf War 1. I am very proud to have served my country and I am now a member of the Royal Air Force Association which involves me attending various charity events on behalf of the RAF. I am also a RAF volunteer as a telephone friendship caller to ex RAF personnel which I enjoy immensely. Armed Forces Day means a lot to me as I feel it gives the nation a chance to show just what the men and women of all three HM Armed Forces mean to the people of the UK''.

Gary proudly shows off his medals at Allett HQ