- Keith Smith has worked for three years to make his garden immaculate
- He has entered Allett's Creative Lawn Stripes competition two years on the run now and finished in the top 6 twice
- Keith cuts at a height of 5mm for two hours every day in the busy summer using two 1940's push mowers
- He works as a green keeper at Edgbaston Golf Course aswell as Aston Villa FC on match days

Another Top 6 Finish For Keith in 2017 CREATIVE STRIPES Competition
The quintessentially British striped lawn is idealised across the world. In celebration of this Allett Mowers, a leading British manufacturer of cylinder walk behind mowers invites passionate lawn enthusiasts each year to show off their own creative lawn stripes and designs.
We caught up with Keith Smith who has transformed his home lawn into something of a masterpiece!