How To Get Rid Of Moss In Your Lawn

How To Get Rid Of Moss In Your Lawn


  1. Moss was the very first plant on earth!
  2. Mosses don’t have roots - Instead, they have cell filaments (rhizoids).
  3. During the first World War, mosses were used as bandages.
  4. Mosses collectively provide more carbon offset than all the trees in the world.
  5. Mosses can indicate pollution -Mosses absorb whatever is in the air including pollutants meaning moss is a good bioindicator of air pollution

Moss is a common problem in many lawns especially those in areas with high humidity and moisture. Moss can be unsightly and create an uneven appearance in the lawn. In this blog we will discuss what moss is, why it is an issue and what you can do to get rid of it.

What is Moss?

Moss is a type of non-vascular plant that thrives in damp, shady areas. Unlike grass, moss does not have a root system and absorbs water and nutrients directly through its leaves. Moss reproduces through spores rather than seeds and spreads quickly in moist conditions. It is often found in lawns with poor drainage, low soil fertility and high levels of acidity.

Why is Moss an Issue?

Moss can also indicate underlying issues with the lawn, such as poor drainage or low soil fertility. If left unchecked, moss can overtake the grass and create an uneven, patchy lawn.

  1. Competition for nutrients: Moss can compete with grass for nutrients particularly nitrogen which is essential for healthy lawn growth. If moss is left unchecked it can take over and outcompete grass leading to thin, patchy lawns.

  2. Retains Moisture: Moss can also retain moisture which can be detrimental to grass. If the grass stays wet for prolonged periods it can become prone to disease and other problems such as root rot.

  3. Shade: Moss thrives in damp and shady areas and can grow in areas where grass has difficulty growing. The shade created by moss can also prevent grass from getting the sunlight it needs to grow properly.

  4. Thatch accumulation: Moss can contribute to the build-up of thatch which is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that accumulates on the soil surface. Thatch can prevent water, air, and nutrients from reaching the roots of the grass leading to poor growth and overall lawn health.

What Can You Do to Get Rid of Moss?

  1. Improve Soil Drainage - One of the main reasons for moss growth is poor drainage. To improve soil drainage you need to be aerating the lawn and removing thatch. You can get rid of moss by scarifying using the Allett Scarifier cartridge in your Allett mower. We recommend scarifying at least once a month in the growing season.The Dethatcher cartridge will be a more aggressive approach. You can use a handheld garden rake however this will be hard work! Your Allett mower will also collect the moss in your grassbox.

  2. Adjust Soil pH - Moss prefers acidic soil so adjusting the soil pH can help deter its growth. Adding lime to the soil can help raise the pH and make the soil less acidic.

  3. Increase Sunlight - Moss thrives in shady areas so increasing sunlight to the lawn can help deter its growth. Trimming back trees and shrubs can help increase sunlight to the lawn.

  4. Use a Moss Killer - There are several moss killers available on the market that can help eliminate moss from the lawn. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully as some products can harm the grass.

  5. Reseed with Grass - Once you have eliminated the moss you can reseed the lawn with grass. Be sure to choose a grass species that is well-suited to the soil and climate in your area and also the grass seed you used previously so your lawn is not patchy.

In conclusion moss is a common problem in many lawns but it can be eliminated with the right approach. By improving soil drainage by scarifying, adjusting soil pH, increasing sunlight, using a moss killer and reseeding with grass you can create a beautiful, healthy lawn free of moss.