Watering Your Lawn In The Drought

Watering Your Lawn In The Drought

We understand the struggles homeowners face when trying to maintain a lovely green beautifully striped lawn during drought conditions. Droughts can be challenging but with the right strategies and a water-smart approach it's possible to nurture your lawn and keep it looking its best. We have had no rain for at least three weeks in the UK now so things are really drying up.

Top Tips

  1. Know your lawn's water needs: Understanding the water requirements of your specific lawn is crucial in conserving water during a drought. Factors such as grass type, soil condition and local climate play a significant role in determining how much water your lawn needs. Research the optimal watering guidelines for your grass type and adjust accordingly to minimise water waste. Use the Allett probe to test if your lawn is dry. Each lawn needs at least 25mm a week to survive.

  2. Adjust your watering schedule: During a drought it's essential to adjust your watering schedule to align with your lawn's needs and local water restrictions. Some of us are lucky to be able to water our lawns. Some of our customers are still in a water ban from last yaer! Instead of watering daily or every other day consider reducing the frequency and increasing the duration of watering sessions. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep root growth and enhances your lawn's ability to withstand drought conditions.

  3. Water in the early morning: To minimise water loss due to evaporation water your lawn during the early morning hours. This allows the grass blades to dry out during the day reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Watering in the evening or at night can lead to prolonged moisture on the grass creating an ideal environment for diseases to thrive.

  4. Use smart irrigation techniques: Investing in smart irrigation technologies can be a game-changer when it comes to water conservation. Consider installing a weather-based irrigation controller that adjusts watering schedules based on real-time weather data. These controllers can help optimise watering times and amounts saving water and promoting a healthier lawn.

  5. Employ proper watering techniques: To make the most of each watering session ensure that you're using the correct watering techniques. Water evenly and avoid overwatering or creating water runoff. Aerate your lawn to improve water penetration allowing the roots to absorb moisture more efficiently. Regularly monitor your irrigation system for leaks, damaged sprinkler heads or any inefficiencies that could lead to water wastage. You could use a rain gauge to check how your watering system is working.

  6. Collect and reuse water Besides optimising your irrigation incorporating water-saving practices can further reduce water usage. You can collect rain water throughout the year and reuse.

  7. Prioritise lawn health: Maintaining a healthy lawn is key to its resilience during droughts. Proper fertilisation, mowing and weed control can help your lawn stay vigorous and better withstand water scarcity. Use organic or slow-release fertilisers to minimise nutrient runoff and prevent water pollution. Keep on top of thatch levels during drier conditions as this will stop any valuable water reaching your grass roots.